
maven-plugin-tools: We agreed with Guillaume to split it: instead of mvn4,
master will be "maven 4" and we will introduce a maven-3.x branch for
Maven3 support. Currently the master was meant to support both (maven3 and
maven4 plugins), but it proved problematic, hence the split. A plugin
cannot be both anyway, it is this or that hence the user can choose which
version, 3.x or 4.x wants to use.
plugin-testing: AFAIK, same stands here, due huge difference how those
operate (maven-core vs new maven API).

This is all yet to be done.

@Guillaume Nodet <> ping


On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 1:44 PM Martin Desruisseaux <> wrote:

> Hello all
> I'm trying to run the tests on the reworked compiler plugin for Maven 4,
> but execution is having an issue with Maven dependency injection. Before
> to give more details, I would like to check if I'm up to date.
> Three months ago, I was told to use the following branches:
>   * Maven core from
>   * Plugin tools from
>   * Plugin testing from
>   * Compiler from
> I have kept my "Maven core" clone up-to-date. Other pull requests seem
> to have no new commits, but the master branches on which they are based
> have been updated. I wanted to search if more up-to-date Maven 4
> branches exist somewhere else, but the situation is a bit confusing:
>   * There is "mvn4" branches on many plugin repositories, but they are 2
>     years old. Would it be possible to either update them or delete them?
>   * I found no code other than above pull requests that I could identify
>     as designed for Maven 4. If the above pull requests are not ready to
>     be merged, would it be possible to turn them as branches on Maven
>     repositories, possibly replacing the previous "mvn4" branches? The
>     goal is to make easy to find the most up-to-date code.
> If the above pull requests are the most up-to-date code for Maven 4,
> would it be possible to update them to "4.0.0-beta-2"? I tried to do
> that on my side, but got some difficulties. First, it seems that the
> following changes must be applied on Maven core for making possible to
> compile the plugins:
>   *
> I have not created a pull request for the above because I'm not sure if
> I understood the issue correctly. Next, after changing the dependencies
> to "4.0.0-beta-3-SNAPSHOT", the build of "maven-plugin-testing-harness"
> has the following test failure:
>     java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: session is null
>         at org.apache.maven.internal.impl.Utils.cast(
>         at
> org.apache.maven.internal.impl.InternalSession.from(
>         at
> org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuilder$BuildSession.<init>(
>         at
>         at
> org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.MojoRule.readMavenProject(
>         at
> org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.MojoRule.lookupConfiguredMojo(
>         at
> org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.MojoRuleTest.testLookupInitializedMojo(
> The code producing the null value is:
>     static InternalSession from(org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession
> session) {
>          return cast(InternalSession.class,
> session.getData().get(InternalSession.class), "session");
>     }
> It seems related to the issue that I'm having with the compiler plugin,
> where the following annotated field:
>     /**
>       * The current build session instance.
>       */
>     @Inject
>     protected Session session;
> Stay null during the test execution. Is there any advise about how to
> proceed? For me, the ideal would be to have the "mvn4" branches in at
> least "maven-plugin-tools", "apache/maven-plugin-testing" and
> "maven-compiler-plugin" replaced by up-to-date branches (I wlll take
> care of rebasing my work on an up-to-date compiler branch).
>      Thanks,
>          Martin

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