and another idea be we could add a <exclusions> and <exclusionManagement>
(kind of mirror to dependencies and dependencyManagement) to remove those
dependencies from parent &EVERY dependency...

Xeno Amess <> 于2024年9月25日周三 22:59写道:

> Hi.
> In maven3 we cannot exclude dependencies inherited from parent.
> see this
> That be kind of annoying if situation comes to be the parent-pom be
> maintained by others, and you extend it and it works fine until one day
> they suddenlly decide to depend on some packages you would never make
> compatible/useless, and you have no permission to change their mind.
> What I wanna do is adding such a gramma like this:
> <parent>
>   <artifactId>base</artifactId>
>   <groupId>es.uniovi.innova</groupId>
>   <version>1.0.0</version>
>   <exclusions>
>     <exclusion>
>       <groupId>javax.mail</groupId>
>       <artifactId>mail</artifactId>
>     </exclusion>
>   </exclusions>
> </parent>
> '
> but I wanna hear about your opinions first.

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