It was already there:

Note that my solutions are hacks as I don't have an idea of the overall design or program flow.

Brett Porter wrote:
Can you please submit these to jira? There are already some there
(MJAR), so please check for existing ones first.

Geoffrey De Smet wrote:
For I used the webstart plugin,
which uses the jar plugin to sign jars.
I 've had a bunch of problems, most of wrong configuration on my part,
but some I believe lay in the jar plugin.

In the end I changed these few lines in the jar plugin to get it
working, even if it's a quick & dirty hack:

1) Nullpointer on org.apache.maven.plugin.jar.JarSignMojo, line 217

        addArgIfNotEmpty( arguments, "-keypass", this.keypass );
+        if (this.signedjar != null) {
            addArgIfNotEmpty( arguments, "-signedjar",
this.signedjar.getPath() );
+        }
        addArgIfNotEmpty( arguments, "-storetype", this.type );

2) Nullpointer on org.apache.maven.plugin.jar.JarSignMojo, line 282

+        if (project.getArtifact() != null) {
             project.getArtifact().setFile( signedjar );
+        }

Maybe this helps other people having the same issues.

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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