
just to mention a Maven Proxy alternative Proximity, that collects these
kind of stats. Currently (ver RC2) contains a simple Stat implementation
that is not transient (on restart it "forgets" the stats) and it offers only
few a "top10" views just to demonstrate the feature, the final release will
have some more advanced capabilities.

Proximity (on the screenshot below) actually shows served artifacts
(requested by M2 clients), local hits (items found in local cache) and
remote hits (items that had to be [re]fetched from proxied remote


Have fun!

On 7/3/06, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

yeah, some httpd stats could be interesting too. Perhaps someone hosting
an internal repo could see that.

Of course, with caching, you explicitly dont get told whenever something
builds against log4j, only when something first pulls it down. There's
another reason polling would be interesting I guess; statistics.

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