Hi everybody,

I'm starting to write the provider for Synergy CM, and the first (expected) problem is how to deal with Synergy tasks. This is a notion you can't find in CVS/SVN, but it's very important for Synergy users.
I'm a newbie in Synergy, but here is a typical usecase I understood:
1) you want to work on a project/file/object "foo" to correct a bug
2) you create a task named "fix foo asap"
3) you checkout "foo" for task "fix foo asap" ("foo" will be associated to the task)
4) you make some changes
5) you checkin "foo" (implicitly for the task associated)
Repeat 4, 5 (same developper) or 3, 4, 5 (another developper) X times
6) When "foo" is fixed, you can complete/checkin the task (don't really understand the difference)

I don't know if it's possible/usefull, but I consider adding createTask and completeTask to the Scm API, and add 2 targets to the SCM plugin.

Is it possible ? Is there any other scm tool that use task ?

The problem is that covering all task fonctionnality is very difficult. For your information, here is all the command you can use with Synergy concerning tasks: - ccm task /assign : assign a task to someone (only used by admin, not needed in Maven) - ccm task /associate : associate object(s) to a task (don't know if it's required with Maven) - ccm task /checkin : don't know exactly what it does, perhaps checkin all objects associated with the task - ccm task /complete : close as task (I think it is very usefull, for instance for release plugin)
- ccm task /copy : ????
- ccm task /create : usefull
- ccm task /dissociate : dissociate object(s) from task
- ccm task /fix : ????
- ccm task /modify : only for admin I think
- ccm task /query : to find a task to work on
- ccm task /relate : ????
- ccm task /def : set or clear the Default task (this way, you don't have to specify it in each command line)
- ccm task /show : display information on a task
- ccm task /state : put the task in a different state (I still don't really understand if state should be managed by the provider) - ccm task /unrelate : Unrelate a task from object ????? (same as /dissociate ?)

If someone know Synergy better than me (not really difficult), please give me your point of view on the subject.

More information on how works CM Synergy :

Thanks for any suggestion !



Julien HENRY | **Capgemini Sud **| Nice

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