Simone Gianni wrote:
Stephane Nicoll wrote:
Yes, I've seen this thread as well. Sounds good to me even if we need
use cases to create a new standard phase.

Basic use cases I've seen so far, applied to the WAR problem :
- Cocoon team developed a plugin that deploys its blocks inside a war.
This way, the user only have to specify which blocks their application
depend on, and then the plugin will take them, unpack some certain files
from a standard block jar structure inside some folders in the war, and
do some other stuff on the web.xml and similar files. Right now this
plugin has been developed as extending the AbstractWarMojo.
Unfortunately this worked fine up to a certain version, but now fails
with an NPE cause of what's written here and here .
- I've developed a plugin that applies XML patches to mostly every
target directory structure, but if not subclassing the war mojo (and
having the errors), or using other techniques (like running war exploded
and then using the assembly plugin etc..), or using my patch
( ) I have no way to see it work
on a war directory structure before it gets packed.
- For a project I'm doing and that I'll post on apache labs ASAP, I
developed a plugin that taken a certain source folder structure creates
a working cocoon application, generating sitemaps etc.. Same as above,
no way to have it work to build a WAR out of it.
- A friend of mine needed to run a legacy ant task on some files before
packing the WAR, he wanted to use antrun but again... He ended up using
war exploded and then appending to it's ant run a task to build the war.

Adding a phase is, IMHHHO, not a lightweight change. Also, adding a
"pre-package" phase sounds a bit like going back to maven1 pregoals, but
a way to work between the prepare and the package phase of a packaging
mojo is absolutely needed.

The thing to remember about WAR files is that they are a packaging format that is intended to make it easy to deploy web apps. Not distribute, but deploy. The old WAR/EAR use cases always had the 'assembler' who would be some person who would somehow assemble WARs and EJB beans to make a working app, presumably through some GUI that required the same work to be repeated every release.

If you are doing lots of late binding tuning to the WAR file, then perhaps build time is the wrong place to do it; it should really be done as part of the deployment process, where per machine optimisations can go in. In this world what you want from the outset is the exploded WAR, which is then taken with server-specific options to create the target WAR for the target system.

FWIW, at work we've moved to a post-war mechanism where I bring up Jetty and do late binding configuration/deployment. Admittedly , I do work on the smartfrog deployment framework where such tuning is possible, but I got fed up with trying to add different servlets and log4j options to different systems. On my desk, I want log4j to go to the console, whereas in production log4j saves to rolling HTML files in a directory that is served up. There's no way to do that in WAR files without separate builds for each artifact.


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