right, last time I brought this up the goal was to resolve all those
for an actual 1.1 release..

I would like to see maybe an alpha-1 release in January perhaps
followed up a beta or two once all the confirmed new features are in
place (like profiles, etc).

I think the decision had not be to actually break out something like
alpha and beta releases into jira but for sanities sake perhaps we
could reevaluate that.

I know I went through about a month ago and poked through most of the
issues making sure they were in the right components at least...but I
think actually breaking down further into achievable shorter term
goals would be a good thing.


On 12/9/06, Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If anything is thinking of doing a release of Continuum anytime soon
can you please update Continuum's JIRA so that it's representative of
what's going to be fixed for at least the next release like Kenney
and I have done for Maven itself:


I don't think you're doing to be fixing 163 issues for Continuum 1.1.



jesse mcconnell

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