On 14 Dec 06, at 12:24 PM 14 Dec 06, Joakim Erdfelt wrote:

I would like to have this optionally work across all current (and
future) wagon wheels (providers).

How about the following methods?
for reference ->
http://maven.apache.org/wagon/wagon-provider-api/apidocs/org/apache/ maven/wagon/Wagon.html

Wagon.setClientProperties( Properties );
Wagon.setClientProperty( String key, String value );

That way, you can provide the data, pass it anonymously to the active
wagon, and (if the wagon supports it), add those key/value pairs to any
sort of client identification process in the wagon?

Good idea.

http, http-lightweight, and webdav would obviously include http request
ftp, file, and ssh providers would essentially ignore the
ClientProperties provided.

Should we prevent, or allow, the ability to set any of the standard
client properties?  Such as 'USER_AGENT', or 'REFERER'?

The USER_AGENT is something I would like to be able to set. For example in Maven I want to set it.

I'm leaning towards allowing it, but tossing a warning when it an
overwrite situation occurs.

Yah, it's up to people using the code. Let them do what they want. What's the harm?

Sound good?


- Joakim

Jason van Zyl wrote:

Do you think you could add something that would allow us to add to set
of headers that are sent to a client, and set the client string? In
Maven I would like to accurately keep track of what versions of Maven
are actively in use and I think being able to send version information
along with the request and/or version numbers in the client string
would help us tremendously in knowing who is actually using what.


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