On Fri, November 23, 2007 10:30 am, Jörg Schaible wrote:

> We use since long ago an own plugin, that accesses a secondary artifact of
> a dependency. This worked like charm ... until now. We have now the new
> situation, that the secondary artifact is build in the same multi project
> build by one subproject and it is used in another one. However,
> release:prepare fails now, since the subproject that makes usage of the
> secondary artifact always tries to access the final-but-not-yet-release
> version.

This looks suspiciously like a problem we encountered, caused by the
assumption of the release plugin that elements within a multi-module
project won't depend on other elements in the same multi-module project,
and where the entire multi-module project has a common version number.

The cause is because the goal that is used to test the build of the code,
doesn't go as far as deploying the artifacts under test into the local
repository, and so module+1 doesn't see the artifacts just generated by
module or module-1.

The workaround is to override this goal to be "clean install", which does
deploy the artifacts into the repo, like this in your root pom:

          <preparationGoals>clean install</preparationGoals>


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