On 19 Dec 07, at 12:28 PM 19 Dec 07, Milos Kleint wrote:

here is the actual screenshot.


more inline..

On Dec 19, 2007 9:19 PM, Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 19 Dec 07, at 11:10 AM 19 Dec 07, Milos Kleint wrote:


i've started building my project with current 2.1-SNAPSHOT trunk and
I noticed the build is taking more time than before. I did a bit of
I've executed "mvn install" on a set of 24 projects, all build
before, right before the profiling test.

What struck me is that half of the time seems to be spent in
DefaultPluginManager.resolveTransitiveDependencies(). See attached
picture from netbeans profiler.
It was executed 82 times.  I suppose the root of the problem will be
somewhere much deeper and I guess there's a way to optimize the
number of calls to the method as well.
After a bit of debugging i figured that for a single project this
method is called multiple times during execution. First the
"compile" scope is resolved, later "runtime" or "test" eventually
(depends on actual plugins bound to the project)
Ideally it should be called 24 times max as far as I understand the
problem. The BuildPlan should know up front what mojos will be
executed and what is the maximum level or dependency resolution  for
the given project.

Agreed? Is that something that I should pursue further or am I on
the wrong track?

Sure, take a look but in the plugin manager I started ripping out all
the optimizations after ripping out a bunch of other code. But narrow
it down for one build where

1) You don't have anything downloaded i.e. a clean repository, and
2) Where you have all the dependencies downloaded

For one pass it shouldn't be resolving more then once for each plugin.
I wouldn't try to start caching anything but if you're seeing more
then one call per plugin then something needs to be reworked.

well, from what I understand I see 1 resolution per plugin per project, if
the plugin requires dependency resolution.

Yes, this is a reactor this is to account for cases where you may have the same plugin used, but might have dependencies stated itself which can change things so you need to track this. The non-optimized version obviously deals with this but you will end up with a case where different plugin declarations have slightly different dependency requirements. John tried to account for everything, but we could still cache most of the information.

my ''optimization'' involves looking up front what is the maximum dependency resolution scope and resolve it just once per project. In your case 1 it
means more than necessary gets downloaded upfront probably, but case 2
should be faster.

So we can sync up here as I'm remaking the project builder and trying to setup a listener that can watch for things as projects are being built. One of the things I'm trying to collect are profiles and extensions so that we don't have to scan the POMs again after they are built. We could do the same with plugin declarations so that up-front you would know what you needed. So you could see that for all the plugin configurations there were no variations, pick off which ones need resolution, do that and then fire the build.

So if you could determine what information you needed up front I can factor that in, and in the short term you can take the approach John has made with things like the extension scanner. But ultimately we should not need to read any pom.xml file more then once. Whether it come in the maven-artifact, the project builder or anything else.



PS: If anyone is interested I can send the actual netbeans profiler
dump files for browsing (via private email).

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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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or who has said it,
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unless it agrees with your own reason
and your own common sense.

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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

What matters is not ideas, but the people who have them. Good people can fix bad ideas, but good ideas can't save bad people.

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