On Thu, 10 Jan 2008 11:56:34 Brian E. Fox wrote:
> >there is no need for a change...
> I disagree. The current 2.0.x method of having separate config is just a
> major pita. Most people have them mixed (including us-Maven) and it means
> you almost always have to duplicate all your repos in both lists. This
> provides a simple way to minimize the config and have sensible defaults for
> the 99% of people that don't separate them.

sorry wasn't trying to make that point, let me try that again... 

> So, this would tend to support my original
> changes, where all artifacts are drawn from the <repositories> list,
> even for plugin resolution. To keep Maven from resolving snapshot
> versions of plugins in this new setup, it would be great if we could
> add two new flags to the repository syntax:
> - dependencies (true|false)
> - plugins (true|false)

i don't think the plugins true|false is necessary you can use profiles and 
separate repositories to force it if you really want to

Michael McCallum
Enterprise Engineer

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