
I'm OK with you committing this except for a few minor nits:

1) Javadoc for the parameter you added.   The description about the 
includes/excludes needs to be added to the javadoc for the parameter so 
the generated site has that information.

2) Code formatting isn't quite right for maven.   Maven's style puts 
spaces all over the place.   The code you added doesn't match that.

3) It definitely won't work for the source jar.   You only added the 
isFiltered stuff in to the endsWith(.class) part, but not the other 
clause of the if.   Most likely, the entire if/else should be surrounded 
by your check.


On Tuesday 15 January 2008, David Blevins wrote:
> I need the ability to include/exclude classes from certain artifacts
> when creating the shaded jar.  In OpenEJB we have a situation where
> one of the jars we are adding to the shaded jar contains a class also
> part of another jar added to the shade.  The class in question truly
> belongs to one of the jars and as only added to the other jar for
> convenience.  I need the ability to either include/exclude classes
> from jars, or a flat to tolerate duplicates.
> I've implemented the more robust approach of including/excluding from
> specific artifacts as ideally I'd like to be able to say strictly
> "this jar can only 'export' this package'.  Happy to make any
> suggested tweaks.  http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSHADE-12
> I can implement a simpler approach which just allows one to ignore
> duplicates if that'd be desired instead.
> And as an aside, I have commit privileges but that was through
> involvement in Continuum.  I'd like a nod from someone involved with
> the Shade plugin before committing.
> Thanks,
> David
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J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer, IONA

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