i think you will find this is caused by broken metadata in third party 
projects which seems to change somewhat at random depedending on the project

On Sat, 19 Jan 2008 15:23:44 dhoffer wrote:
> We are at a critical point with our usage of maven.  We cannot update to
> 2.0.8 because 2.0.8 is broken with respect to the release plugin; RE
> MNG-3351 (no releases are possible if using version ranges).
> However we need to upgrade to 2.0.8 because we now have large projects that
> are tripping all over dependency/transitive/verson range bugs that
> reportedly have been fixed recently.
> Can someone comment on the status of MNG-3351?  We are at a blocking point
> now where we cannot build anymore with maven.

Michael McCallum
Enterprise Engineer

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