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| Hi Joerg,
Hi John,

(top-posting this time)
thanks for your detailed response. I am very happy to hear that you
care and take this serious. Further I will be one of the early adopters
if 2.1-alpha is out. Maybe I will find the time to test an 2.1 integration build

~  Jörg
| I'm sorry to hear you're having such difficulty with maven and its
| error-reporting. All I can offer by way of consolation right now is that
| I've revamped error reporting pretty substantially over the past few
| weeks. I started by analyzing all errors that hit the
| MavenExecutionResponse (and are subsequently reported at the end of the
| build by the CLI class in Maven), then tracing these back to their root
| causes, or as nearly as I can do within the confines of maven itself
| (not the plugin code, since this could come from anywhere). In each
| case, I've tried to give the user an error message with the details that
| will help him solve the issue. I'm sure it's not perfect, but it's got a
| much stronger test suite behind it, which goes to great lengths to
| reproduce each error condition in a live test-project build. The new
| error-message formatter also has a stubbed class that will allow us to
| provide links to various documentation sites for hints on solving that
| particular problem...these need to be fleshed out, but some of the basic
| problems have links to documentation out on maven.apache.org currently.
| All of this is in Maven's trunk in Subversion, which is the branch where
| we're pushing toward a 2.1-alpha-1 release sometime this quarter
| hopefully (unless something comes up to derail the remaining work slated
| for that release, of course).
| As for warnings and other things that happen in mojos but aren't thrown
| as exceptions, it's an interesting idea to provide a recording Log
| instance to the mojo, that would allow maven's core reporting
| infrastructure to reproduce those warnings (in addition to errors and
| other non-exception output above the INFO log-level) in the build
| results at the end. I'd be a little concerned about making that output
| noisy and obscuring the error-formatting work described above, but I'm
| sure we can find a way to strike a balance there in most cases.
| I'm filing this idea under MNG-3381
| (http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3381) and will put it on my agenda
| to revisit it next time I come back to error reporting.
| Thanks,
| -john
| On Jan 25, 2008, at 6:52 PM, Joerg Hohwiller wrote:
| Hi there,
| typically if maven fails with something like "required artifact is
| missing"
| you can have a look at the module where the error occurred and scan
| the dependencies.
| As additional support maven typically prompts an error report including
| something like this:
| ~  Path to dependency:
| ~        1) net.sf.mmm:mmm-uit-impl-swt:jar:0.9.0-SNAPSHOT
| ~        2) org.eclipse.swt:swt:pom:3.3.0
| ~        3) org.eclipse.swt:swt-linux-gtk:jar:3.3.0
| Excellent.
| However there are still many situations where somewhere deep inside maven
| an artifact is required that is missing but the user does NOT get a
| tiny clue
| what is going on.
| In most cases you do not know which plugin requested the artifact and
| caused the
| problem or anything like that.
| Even worse sometimes the required artifact is obviously located in the
| local
| repository but for some reason maven says it is missing.
| I still remember several times where a buggy plugin was released and
| my maven
| got an update and further builds all ended with something like
| "maven-resources-plugin not found".
| I really love maven! It is great, it is cool, it rescues the world.
| But sorry to say this: the logging and error handling in maven is
| (partially)
| shitty.
| You know these kind of
| "This project has been banned from further executions due to previous
| failures"
| but however there are no previous failures even if you start with "-X".
| In these moments a user comes to the point that maven is just a magic
| wizzard
| and if he is in a bad mood you can not do anything against it.
| Or what about eclipse:eclipse and the reactor summary that says
| all is successfully but if you really read the entire log you will see
| that many errors occurred?
| IMHO there is a design problem in the way a MOJO can report an error.
| If it throws a MojoExecutionException or -Failure the complete build
| stops
| (except for -fn and maybe -fae).
| If it does NOT, the maven-core can not know the problem and the reactor
| summary says SUCCESS.
| So please do not get me wrong. I want to say thanks for maven which is an
| excellent product but please consider improving exception handling, error
| tracking and logging in 2.1 and above as well as all mojo developers
| (including
| myself) should do.
| Best wishes
| ~  Jörg
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| ---
| John Casey
| Committer and PMC Member, Apache Maven
| mail: jdcasey at commonjava dot org
| blog: http://www.ejlife.net/blogs/john
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