We know that the documentation, specially the javadoc, is not perfect,
present or uptodate.

Well, I feared that ;-) My primary goal was to stress that it would be worth
the pain to maintain the javadoc right from the beginning (instead of fixing
bugs afterwards). From my personal experience, writing doc in parallel as
one writes code is less painful than having to write it all at once for an
entire API. If the API is not stable but frequently changes during
development, fine, update the javadoc, too, such that others always know
what it does right now. In the end, it's just a matter of good habits.

Do you have special ideas to improve the doc?

As I said, some javadocs for those classes that plugin developers tend to
use would be nice.

I writed in the past some Plugins Cookbook. Maybe we could add more.

"More" doc is always good but I think there are two different kinds of
documentation to keep in mind. A cookbook is usually something that answers
questions like "How do I...?" whereas the other part of questions starts
like "What does Maven...?". At the end of the day, when a plugin developer
starts his IDE to go coding, he will appreciate a proper javadoc attachment
for all his dependencies such that he can properly fulfill his part of the
contract with the Maven APIs. Of couse, one needs as well a description of
the big picture (where cookbooks can help) but javadocs are the basis to
build upon (a picture without details is quite uninteresting).

agree and patches are always welcome :)

I think I got it ;-) Nevertheless, I still believe that there are code parts that are best documented by the responsible developers because what kind of documentation could I contribute by just looking at the source for say MavenProject.getArtifact() without having an in-depth understanding of Maven's guts?


Benjamin Bentmann

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