2008/3/16, Joakim Erdfelt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> The approach nicolas took in MNG-3407 is strange.  I don't understand
> the whole {0} idea.  Wouldn't it make more sense to base mirrorOf on
> host or url instead?
> That way the mirror section can be wrangled in a more sane way?

The idea is to force users to use a centralized mirror for repository access
(like <mirrorOf>* does):  in a corporate env, many user don't like
uncontroled access to internet, without local controls and backups.

Using a "by ID" mirror for repositories, you can configure your favorite
proxy (Archiva ?) to mirror all required repositories with a dedicated URI,
and with the appropriate proxying policy.

An URL based mirroring would be far better if the settings.xml <mirrorOf>
element is configured with an URL and not with a repository ID: many maven
projects use inconsistent IDs for public repos ("apache", "apache.snapshot",
"apache.snapshots"...) and force to set multiple <mirror> entries in


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