That sounds good to me, and I see where the identifiers have come in;
I think you could do without them though, and just use the repository
URI as the identifier :-

For 'external' mirrors, accessed directly and not through a repo manager:
Say you have, and global mirrors of and I think the
<repository> doesn't need an id. There are a few options to get it to
use a more localised mirror
- Geo aware DNS (I think things like wikipedia are doing this). A bit hard core.
- Your settings.xml file, containing a list of mirrors/redirect
information based on the URI. But this settings.xml could be
configured from choices either shipped with maven after installation,
or (better), there might be a repo-config-SNAPSHOT.xml[1] in that contains this
information. Something interactive gives you the choice of
manipulating your settings from the known, valid options. But a
default, non-interactive build would still know where to go.

For 'internal' mirrors, accessed through a repo manager:
- Your install wants
- Your settings, as you're inside the corp firewall, say 'here is the
proxy server'
- The repo manager uses the appropriate strategy (including the above)
to fetch or deny from repo1 or the appropriate mirror.

[1] Or whatever. What would be really nice is that as well as keeping
metadata about artifacts in the repository, there was a way of
accessing (optionally available) metadata about the repository itself
in some downloadable artifact. That way an entire 'uptodate' check for
repo1 might be simply checking the ETag on 1 file. A black/whitelist
of available artifacts would help preventing asking for SNAPSHOT
artifacts from umpteen repos before hitting the right one; if
search/index information were standardised, that could be transferred
as well...

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 11:05 PM, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Forking the other thread.
>  Maven still needs to work properly without a repository manager (even
>  if it is a good practice to use one). In my opinion, that means:
>  - proper unique identifiers for repositories (my preference would
>  actually be to control this by group ID, but I see too many counter
>  examples in the Maven repositories to make this realistic - if anyone
>  has ideas on this front please say so).
>  - proper mirroring support (ie, specify which mirror you want to use
>  for central, etc so you can get a nearby one out of the box, like
>  CPAN, yum, etc type setups - I have some hand written notes from some
>  time back sitting on my desk I can kick into the wiki)
>  - full control over the repositories you use from the settings file.
>  When it comes to handling repositories in POMs - I think they should
>  still be in there, but only be a hint. ie, if the repo with that ID is
>  not configured, Maven can intelligently tell you how to configure it
>  if you want to, and the consequences of doing so. But I'm sure there
>  are plenty of other ways we could deal with this.
>  On top of this, explicit support for repository managers (that
>  supports all of them) as a way to replace one or all of your
>  repositories should be available and encouraged.
>  Are these all the use cases folks see?
>  - Brett
>  --
>  Brett Porter
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