I'd like to know if this could also be achieved via toolchains.

As Hervé already tried to explain, these two proposals have not too much in
common. To my understanding, the toolchain proposal aims at providing a
facade on a user's development kit (native tools, boot class path, etc.)
such that projects can be build using a specific JDK regardless of the JRE
running Maven. I don't see any relation between
a) the selection of a native tool from a user's system
b) the configuration of file encoding for project source files

Indeed, I consider this two orthogonal concerns. Each of the combinations

          | JRE 1.4  | JRE 1.5 | JRE 1.6 |   ...
 UTF-8    |    X     |    X    |    X    |
 Latin-1  |    X     |    X    |    X    |
    ...   |    X     |    X    |    X    |

represents a valid use case for a project configuration.

What both proposals share is the intention to address these tasks via a
*central* configuration in the POM, i.e. configure target JRE and file
encoding once, not repeatedly for each plugin.

If you feel that toolchains and file encoding fit nicely together and don't
violate separation of concerns, please sketch your thoughts.


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