Hi John,

I haven't looked at the code, but angling at it purely from the proposal... it does make sense - the problem in the related issues is forking lifecycles. In general, under the current structure, keeping the pre-interpolated model and applying that after forking would make sense. This solution effectively ensures that.

That said, this solution does sound a bit heavy handed. Even though we have a bunch of ITs, something about this feels like it might break something else. Do you have any thoughts on areas of risk outside what the ITs already cover?


On 12/06/2008, at 2:17 AM, John Casey wrote:

Hi everyone,

As I'm sure you've noticed from the discussion on this list and my commit logs, I've been working to solve a problem between concrete interpolation of the POM at project-construction time and the need to update plugin configurations to reflect changing state in the project instance as the build progresses. The full proposal is here:


And the relevant JIRAs are mainly:

- MNG-3530
- MNG-3355

though there are others that doubtless touch on this problem.

The upshot is that our approach of trying to interpolate the entire POM into a concrete version of itself when the project instance is constructed is misguided. We've always done this to some degree or other, with build paths being a notably varying aspect of this in past releases. The issues surrounding build paths have been mainly concerned with the difficulty of handling the alignment of relative paths with the project base directory prior to making these paths available as interpolation values.

However, it's currently possible for any part of the POM to be modified by a plugin. This is an obvious threat to the declarative nature of the POM in some respects, since it seems intuitive that having setArtifacts() and setDependencies() methods on the project class should mean that a plugin can add these things legitimately. In reality, this couldn't be a worse idea, since it affects Maven's ability to report and manage these dependencies - not to mention the basic need to have a dependency set that is static and expressed for your project - is compromised by such an action.

So, it makes sense to say that at least part of the POM should be purely declarative, and set in stone once the project instance is created. On the other hand, in order to support necessary build-time functionality, the build section must be free from this constraint. If the clover plugin can't reset the project.build.directory, project.build.outputDirectory, and so forth, how can it do its work without polluting the main set of classes which will be included in the project's output artifact?

Therefore, this proposal suggests the following: mask out the build section of the POM from initial interpolation, with the exception of plugin coordinates and extensions (this is necessary to allow Maven's core components to formulate the build process properly). Then, before each plugin executes, re-interpolate only this build section using up-to-date information from the project information. Finally, in order to accommodate modifications to the project's build section itself - which is the whole point of this exercise, after all - back-propagate changes to this section into the original, uninterpolated build section for inclusion in future plugin executions.

The proposal above is detailed on the Maven wiki at the link above. The wiki page also includes links to relevant MNG issues, and the location of the feature branch I've already modified to perform in exactly the way I've mentioned. All tests are passing on this branch, so I'd like to get input from other developers on this and hopefully get it merged back to the main 2.0.x branch for inclusion in 2.0.10 before it goes stale.

Let me know what you think.


John Casey
Developer, PMC Member - Apache Maven (http://maven.apache.org)
Blog: http://www.ejlife.net/blogs/buildchimp/

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