As part of getting adequate coverage for vetting, I have just asked Nigel and Justin who watch over the Hudson instance here at Apache to setup the Maven jobs we require for validation. They are running on Solaris which will be a good compliment to what we have running at Contegix.

Hopefully this will be setup today and then we'll have Linux and Solaris dealth with in a reliable, automated way. I've asked Contegix to order a Mac Mini they will modify and put in our rack, and we will have a big machine that will run ESX coming soon as well so we'll be able to deal with different flavors of Windows and *nix.

On 3-Jul-08, at 10:43 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

I have chopped the issue list down to what I know I'm going to look at here:

If you want to add things you know you want to look at, go for it.

But I would like to use a standard build for testing. I am going to use the version of Maven built by Hudson from the 2.1 build that's been cycling off from here:

If we sync up on a version which we all use then we have a good chance of getting consistent results. I'm using the build from here to review the issues currently in the queue:

When issues are closed, another build can be done and we can use that one to carry on. I think this is the only sane way to work through the issues. The Hudson instance has been up the longest, it works more reasonably then anything else we've used, and John has been working on creating some release automation so the releases can be built on the same machine as well. For reliability and consistency I think this is a reasonable approach.

A PowerEdge 2900 will land at Contegix shortly that has been provisioned to run ESX so that we can deal with Windows, Linux, BSD, and Solaris in an automated way. Contegix also said they could wire up a MAC mini if we wanted to automate OS X builds as well. The box is on Contegix's system, but any PMC member can get access to the machine and access to the support list if you need to contact support in the middle of the night.



Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will
elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come
and sit softly on your shoulder ...

-- Thoreau

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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

Three people can keep a secret provided two of them are dead.

 -- Unknown

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