You can just batch them together.

We have an example setup in our Hudson:

mvn -B -U -e -Prelease,stage -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/j2ee-hudson/ repos/${JOB_NAME} clean release:prepare release:perform -Darguments=-X

On 6-Jul-08, at 12:01 PM, Dan Tran wrote:

Is there anyone working on this?

I am thinking of implementing release:release mojo which extends
release:prepare and add release:perform's params to its arguments

there will be cut/paste code from release:perform mojo.



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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

People develop abstractions by generalizing from concrete examples.
Every attempt to determine the correct abstraction on paper without
actually developing a running system is doomed to failure. No one
is that smart. A framework is a resuable design, so you develop it by
looking at the things it is supposed to be a design of. The more examples
you look at, the more general your framework will be.

  -- Ralph Johnson & Don Roberts, Patterns for Evolving Frameworks

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