Couldn't we setup a custom profile for QA checks (pmd, checkstyle, clirr
...) that we activate in a separate project in the CI server ?
It's what I begin to do at work. The advantage is to keep the integration
build fast and we can have a look at the QA builds to improve them.


On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 4:23 AM, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 19/07/2008, at 11:26 PM, Dennis Lundberg wrote:
>  I went and harvested the mojo-dev list for release vote comments, most of
>> the from Benjamin. Some are specific to plugins, but many are general.
>> Here's the list:
> Thanks Dennis! (and Benjamin :)
>> Inherit from the latest released parent to benefit from its improvements.
> Sounds like a good enhancement to the release:prepare goal, or maybe an
> enforcer rule. The only thing to ensure is that it isn't applied when the
> build from the tag occurs later.
>> If the latest parent-SNAPSHOT has important fixes, copy these to the
>> components POM. Add a comment that they can be removed when parent X is
>> released.
> This seems like a bad workaround for not releasing a parent. Isn't a better
> rule to release the parent instead? Resolving snapshot dependencies of all
> kinds is just part of any release process.
>> Run "mvn docck:check" to make sure the documentation is good.
> This should be automatable since I Think they all pass already?
>  Check that a plugin's index page follows the template from the plugin
>> documentation standard.
> Is there anything we can do to automate that in docck, or does it need to
> be eyeballed?
>> To promote the best practice of specifying versions, POM snippets in the
>> docs should have a <version> element.
> Can that be added to the documentation guide?
>> Check the Checkstyle/Clirr/CPD/PMD reports for any issues.
> These can be automated on release once we get to a baseline where they
> pass? I don't think the burden should be on the next releaser to have to fix
> all this up - we don't want artificial roadblocks to releases.
>> The POM must have an <scm> element, to make its "Source Repository" report
>> correct.
> I think that's irrelevant for us since it's inherited correctly (and
> release fails without it).
>> Use "mvn dependendcy:analyze" to find used but undeclared artifacts as
>> well as unused but declared artifacts.
> I think this falls under a similar category to Clirr, etc.
>> For mojo parameters, using the annotation "default-value" is recommended
>> over "expression" when accessing POM elements like build directories [0, 1]
>> and boolean values.
>> Using "default-value" will make the expression show up nicely on the
>> mojo's info page. If the parameter should be set-able from the command line
>> an "expression" is needed.
>> [0]
>> [1]
>> Investigate if a plugin suffers from any of the Common Bugs [2].
>> [2]
>> If a component requires Java 1.5 to run, then this must be documented,
>> i.e. using the "target" option of the
>> compiler. For plugins this should be picked up by Maven Plugin Plugin 2.4
>> when generating the plugin-info.html. For non-plugins this must be
>> documented manually.
>> Updating the plugin to use the latest release of the Invoker Plugin (1.2)
>> could ease integration testing:
>> - convenient staging of plugin artifact into isolated local repo [3]
>> - separation of IT build output from version controlled directories [4]
>> - checking for failing IT builds [5]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5]
> These all get into development time questions rather than release time
> questions - worth considering PMD rules for all of the above which I think
> has been considered before.
> Cheers,
> Brett
> --
> Brett Porter
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