Ralph Goers wrote:

Shane Isbell wrote:
I've been refactoring more of the project builder code and encountered a
rule that if a dependencyManagement/dependencies/dependency element has
type=pom and scope=import, the dependency management section of that
dependency should be imported into the containing pom model. This is a
one-off rule that doesn't easily fit into the new project builder which
keeps all pom specific rules in the PomClassicTransformer class. This type
of behavior could be handled instead by mixins/imports within the latest
maven-shared-model code. The way this would work is that you could use a
mavenImport tag in the dependencyManagement section of the pom and then the framework would handle importing the xml fragment containing the dependency
info. Thoughts?

I'm not sure I completely follow. Can you provide an example?

Shane, can you please provide an example of the way it would work?


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