
Here's a short summary of what we chatted about and did at Maven Day:

1) We helped the folks at Google get a repository setup. Projects like Collections, and GWT. We noticed Nicolas already syncing some Google projects so Greg Kick was going to get into contact with Nicolas.

2) Brian led a discussion about Nexus and did a demo.

3) Eugene led a discussion about m2eclipse and did a demo. Most interesting was the new project materialization support. We've been working a few open source groups so that with one-click you can setup everything you need to get involved with a project. Sources, issues, documentation, links to the home page, supporting documentation. Basically the easiest way to setup a new developer anyone has ever seen :-)

4) Ralph talked about not requiring version elements in parents. There are tests but we decided that there still needs to be some sample projects so that people can look at how it would work exactly. There is a bit of quirkiness to deal with in the 2.0.x code because the internal model is mutilated. Shane has determined it would be pretty easy to implement in 3.0.x and we'll decide on the behavior because the implementations are going to be different.

5) Oleg talked about his code for removing the need for passwords in cleartext in settings.xml files. The implementation is done but not yet tied into any version of Maven. Many people in the room were very keen on getting this feature actually pushed into Maven itself.

6) Oleg led a discussion about Mercury. Shane and Oleg are working together on a) trying to integrate the new POM builder with a mode of Mercury that would do Maven resolution, and then b) working together to collect all uses of the maven-artifact code in 3.0.x and condense component use to 1 component instead of 4-5 littered all over the place and then replacing the one component with a Mercury based component.

Overall it was pretty informal, it went well and Sonatype plans to host another Maven day in its new offices in Mountain View next month.



Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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