Thanks Jesse for the pointer.  Actually it is on central:



----- Message d'origine ----
> De : Jesse Glick <>
> À :
> Envoyé le : Mer 13 avril 2011, 16h 00min 21s
> Objet : Re: Maven API to partially edit pom.xml
> On 04/13/2011 07:56 AM, Julien HENRY wrote:
> > I would like to know if  there is a standard Maven API to edit parts of a
> > pom.xml. I managed to  parse a pom to a Model using ModelBuilder. Then I 
> > can 
> > some  modifications and write Model to file using ModelWriter. But of 
> > course  
> > will completly rewrite the pom (loosing comments, writing unwanted  tags 
> > default values, ...).
> The main challenge is finding a  library for high-fidelity XML round-trip 
>structure editing, i.e. that preserves  all details of whitespace and 
>for unmodified nodes. NetBeans has such  a system (XAM/XDM) but the dependency 
>tree is too deep for use in a Maven  plugin. 
>is the only such small library I can  find. It has its own model rather than 
>Document, DOMImplementationLS, etc., so  your code would be tightly tied to 
>API. It does not appear to be published  on Central and I am unsure how 
>it is, but it has a Maven POM utility  already, and it seems to work as 
>advertised in my testing - replacing a few  element attribute values on some 
>largish hand-edited XML files produced a  minimal  diff.
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