On Feb 23, 2012, at 1:01 AM, Chris Graham wrote:

> Remember that 'deploy' still calls 'install'.

Very true for `mvn`.  Not true in Aether; this would seem to be a userland tool 
convention, and not a fundamental characteristic of the 'deploy' operation.

However, even Aether leaves some resolver-status and metadata files in the 
local repository after completing a 'deploy'...although I can't determine the 
significance of them.

One thing I've discovered is that an installed SNAPSHOT will always take 
precedence over SNAPSHOTs from remote repositories, whereas this is not the 
case for SNAPSHOTs that are deployed to a local repository.  So, there's one 
significant difference at least.

It's unfortunate that the most fundamental things in Maven are essentially 
undocumented AFAICT: what 'deploy' and 'install' do, the various contents (and 
potential contents) of repositories in different contexts and their semantics, 
and so on.

- Chas
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