Sorry, all, but this is driving me nuts! (And it's been a long hot day...)

I need some help with a RE Pattern that will match the following lines
(as real samples):

(just ignore the //, they have come from the java comments):

//  (1589)  ---$ Deb "[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next
development iteration"
//  (1585)  ---$ Deb "[maven-release-plugin] prepare release GPDB-1.0.21"
//  (1584)  ---$ Deb "This is my first changeset (2)"
//  (1583)  ---$ Deb "This is my first changeset (1)"
//  (1323)  ---$ Deb <No comment>
//  (1319)  ---$ Deb <No comment>

    private static final String CHANGESET_PATTERN = "\\((\\d+)\\)
(....) (.*) (.*)";

        if ( changeSetRegExp.match( line ) )
            ChangeSet currentChangeSet = entries.get( currentChangeSetIndex );

            String changesetAlias = changeSetRegExp.getParen( 1 );
            String changes = changeSetRegExp.getParen( 2 );
            String author = changeSetRegExp.getParen( 3 );
            String comment = changeSetRegExp.getParen( 4 );

            System.out.println("changesetAlias = '" + changesetAlias + "'");
            System.out.println("changes        = '" + changes + "'");
            System.out.println("author         = '" + author + "'");
            System.out.println("comment        = '" + comment + "'");

But I'm getting some really wierd output:

  (1589)  ---$ Deb "[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next
development iteration"
changesetAlias = '1589'
changes        = '---$'
author         = 'Deb "[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next
development iteration'
comment        = ''
  (1585)  ---$ Deb "[maven-release-plugin] prepare release GPDB-1.0.21"
changesetAlias = '1585'
changes        = '---$'
author         = 'Deb "[maven-release-plugin] prepare release GPDB-1.0.21'
comment        = ''
  (1584)  ---$ Deb "This is my first changeset (2)"
changesetAlias = '1584'
changes        = '---$'
author         = 'Deb "This is my first changeset (2)'
comment        = ''
  (1583)  ---$ Deb "This is my first changeset (1)"
changesetAlias = '1583'
changes        = '---$'
author         = 'Deb "This is my first changeset (1)'
comment        = ''
  (1323)  ---$ Deb <No comment>
changesetAlias = '1323'
changes        = '---$'
author         = 'Deb <No comment'
comment        = ''
  (1319)  ---$ Deb <No comment>
changesetAlias = '1319'
changes        = '---$'
author         = 'Deb <No comment'
comment        = ''

I can not understand why I am not getting the author delimited at the
first space.

It should be "Deb" and not "Deb ....."

Can anyone offer my tired brain any assistance?



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