I'd like to go for a bug-fix release 2.12.1, since we have a few
issues from both 2.11 and 2.12 that
should be fixed.

We have this interesting problem releated to
https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-809. A new feature
for 2.12, this allows you to select which "groups" to use with some
pretty sophisticated grammar.

(John; did any docs get committed for this feature ??)

Well the problem is that the grammar uses "&&" and "||", and it turns
out these are almost *impossible*
to escape correctly on the command line. We have 4 IT's in surefire
that currently only pass on linux
due to this issue.

(When specified in the pom, this is no problem. It's when trying to
send them in from the command line
things get hairy. I haven't even been able to *determine* how to
escape & for windows cmd.exe)

Now none of our command line stuff seems to handle this escaping. The
best solution I can come up with
is to add "AND" and "OR" as synonyms to the grammar ? After all, users
wishing to specify from the command
line will run into the same problem....

Since it seems to be undocumented right now, we could consider just
*changing* to and/or. I don't really
care as long as it can be sent properly from the command line.....



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