On 22/11/2012, at 11:30 AM, Benson Margulies <bimargul...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Coast is clear.
> I have two proposals to offer:
> 1) Set version to 3.0, remove parameter Q support, thus reducing the 
> complexity.
> 2) Set version to 3.0, remove all RSS support, thus requiring JIRA 4.2.
> In either case, anyone who wants to use an older JIRA can use 2.8.

Atlassian doesn't support anything < 4.2 
 and in practice I think they're even more aggressive. It's probably not a 
problem moving up to it if it is justified.

That said, the REST API doesn't need to be enabled, so some people may want RSS 
anyway - I guess it depends whether that part is broken or causing extra work.

- Brett

Brett Porter

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