We have been using a policy of only making releases without skipping
version numbers, e.g.

3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3, 3.0.4, 3.0.5, etc

Whereby if there is something wrong with the artifacts staged for release,
we drop the staging repo, delete the tag, roll back the version, and run

This vote is to change the policy to:

drop the staging repo, document the release as not released, and run with
the next version.

Under this new proposal, if the staged artifacts for 3.1.0 fail to meet the
release criteria, then the artifacts would be dropped from the staging
repository and never see the light of day. The tag would remain in SCM, and
we would document (somewhere) that the release was cancelled. The "respin"
would have version number 3.1.1 and there would never be a 3.1.0.

This change could mean that the first actual release of 3.1.x might end up
being 3.1.67 (though I personally view that as unlikely, and in the context
of 3.1.x I think we are very nearly there)

Please Note:
not actually specify what it means by "the process will need to be
restarted" so this vote will effect a change either outcome

+1: Never respin with the same version number, always increment the version
for a respin
0: Don't care
-1: Always respin with the same version number until that version number
gets released

This vote will be open for 72 hours. A Majority of PMC votes greater that 3
will be deemed as decisive in either direction (i.e. if the sum is < -3 or
> +3 then there is a documented result)

For any releases in progress at this point in time, it is up to the release
manager to decide what to do if they need to do a respin.


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