OK, thanks for the clarification.

2013/6/22 Jason van Zyl <ja...@tesla.io>:
> On Jun 21, 2013, at 11:48 PM, Vincent Latombe <vincent.lato...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a question about the alpha-1 release. I see that Aether has
>> been updated to 0.9.0 M2.
>> Does it implies that issue MNG-2802 (Concurrent-safe access to local
>> Maven repository) is now implemented ?
> No, it does not.
>> If this is the case, then IMHO this should be mentioned, even
>> highlighted in the release notes. I think this kind of improvement is
>> very expected for all people doing CI, as this would allow a major
>> speed up and reduce storage for local repositories in this kind of
>> environment.
>> Cheers,
>> Vincent
>> 2013/6/21 Jörg Schaible <joerg.schai...@scalaris.com>
>>> Hi Jason,
>>> first, thanks that you actually take your time to look into it!
>>> Jason van Zyl wrote:
>>>> I unpacked your example and ran your preparation script and it fails in
>>>> 2.2.1 as well:
>>>> https://gist.github.com/jvanzyl/5824206
>>> The submodules are independent projects, you have to run "clean install".
>>> See the following session (I have modified the POMs of the children by
>>> adding a "<relativePath/>" element, the original example is now ~2 years
>>> old):
>>> https://gist.github.com/joehni/6aa8516bd5408144ec53
>>> Note, that after a successful run with M221, the build with M3x will no
>>> longer fail, but pack stale snapshots. To raise an error, you have to clean
>>> the repo from snapshots in <repohome>/bugs/maven.
>>>> What's the overall usecase? You have a build with snapshots and you find
>>>> you need to go back to a release so you lock down to a previous release
>>>> and want to use that?
>>> The final distribution of our product or projects typically consists of
>>> hundreds of artifacts, where most of them have individual release cycles. In
>>> the HEAD revision those are linked in a nested directory structure using
>>> "builder POMs" i.e. POMs that have only modules declared, but get never
>>> released themselves (like the POM in the root of the example). The versions
>>> of the individual artifact are managed in a shared parent POM. In HEAD those
>>> are typically all snapshot versions.
>>> This changes after a major release of the overall product, then all those
>>> versions become final, the shared parent is released first followed by all
>>> other artifacts in dependency order using this released parent. This works
>>> all fine.
>>> Now we get into maintenance mode of that major release. Due to the
>>> independence of the artifacts we have to branch only the affected projects
>>> in case of bugs. Say we have JAR artifacts JAR-A to JAR-Z and we develop bug
>>> fixes for JAR-C and JAR-S. This means we branch the shared parent, set JAR-C
>>> and JAR-S to snapshot and also the artifacts that will assemble those to two
>>> jars, say WAR-X and DIST-ZIP. Then we create a builder for the maintenance
>>> branch that contains those jars, the war and the distribution zip as module.
>>> Building this we should get a war that contains JAR-C and JAR-S as snapshot
>>> and all the others as release and the distribution contains the affected
>>> WAR-X as snapshot and all other stuff as released version - the perfect
>>> situation to test the fix.
>>> Unfortunately M3 fails here, because it is under some circumstance not able
>>> to calculate the proper build order (maybe it does no longer take attached
>>> snapshot artifacts into account ?!?) and will either pack a stale snapshot
>>> from the local repository or fail, because the snapshot is built at a later
>>> time.
>>>> If you want to iteratively work on it together put it in a github repo.
>>> If you bear with me, may day-to-day work is with svn only and my learning
>>> curve with git/github is still steep, e.g. I did not know about gists, so I
>>> already learned something new.
>>> Cheers and thanks for your time,
>>> Jörg
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> Thanks,
> Jason
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Jason van Zyl
> Founder & CTO, Sonatype
> Founder,  Apache Maven
> http://twitter.com/jvanzyl
> ---------------------------------------------------------
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> be omnipotent for a while.
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