On 23 July 2013 15:29, Lennart Jörelid <lennart.jore...@gmail.com> wrote:

> +1000  .... which is a rather odd number for a vote; blame Stephen instead
> of me.   :)
> I think we can skip the 1.6 release of the JDK as a Maven basis; JDK 1.6 is
> at or near EOL and the step from one
> minimum JDK version to another (i.e. JDK 1.7) would be just as painful as
> the step to JDK 1.6 - but with added
> longevity, feature set and power.
I am not against holding a vote for Java 1.7 *after* we have got up to Java
1.6. OpenJDK6 is an open source implementation of Java 6 that essentially
means that it is possible to fix issues with Java 6 going forward. It is
not possible to do that with Java 5 as there is no open source release.

Let's get the baseline moved... the Jenkins project recently moved to Java
1.6 as the minimum runtime requirement (while keeping animal-sniffer so
that only Java 1.5 APIs are permitted in Jenkins core... in case there is a
backlash)... hopefully if we set a date, other projects will line up on
that date (I know Kohsuke would be keen to see Jenkins drop the Java 1.5
API requirements on Jenkins and IBM EOLing JDK 5 for z/OS seems like a fine
justification to cull JDK 5)


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