I think is important mention the implications. The change doesn’t only imply to 
change the include headers, but every function, struct and class used from the 
c++ style headers will need to be prefixed with the std which in turn will 
messed with the git blame.

Not to mention that, while most of the std libraries implementations offer the 
functions and structures for the c++ style headers on both, the std and the 
global namespace. This is not required by the standard and can change in any 
moment causing sudden compilation breaks.

In my personal opinion, this is nothing but a cosmetic change which has the 
potential of becoming a red-herring. As such, I vote for option 1.

> On 01 Apr 2015, at 12:06, Alex Rukletsov <a...@mesosphere.io> wrote:
> In Mesos sources we use c-style C headers (<stdlib.h>), as opposed to
> c++-style (<cstdlib>). C++11 Standard p4, p8, and reference 177
> hint that cname is a preferred form for C++ programs. However this may
> require adding std prefix everywhere, since according to the Standard cname
> headers may not provide its declarations and definitions within the global
> namespace (C++11 Standard D.5 p3).
> Basically, we have three options here:
> 1. Leave the status quo and stick to C-style headers.
> 2. Create a clean-up JIRA and follow up with the cleanup.
> 3. Start using cname headers with std prefix and do a smooth transition.
> Thoughts?

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