Please take a few minutes the next few days and review what members of the
community have submitted!

Voting forms close Friday, March 25, 2016, 11:55 PST

A total of 154 proposals were submitted in time for #MesosCon review, up
significantly from 63 submitted for last year’s conference. Similar to last
year, the MesosCon program committee is opening these proposals up for
community review/feedback to better-inform our decisions about what should
be included in the program.

In order to make it easier to review a subset of the proposals, we’ve
segmented them based upon two loose themes: Developer and Users.


Talks on how frameworks can be used, developed, and integrate with Mesos.


A combination of talks that are use cases (how company x uses Mesos), and
operations-focused (how we deploy x, use Docker, etc).

The forms above also include an opportunity to indicate which sessions you
didn't see proposed but would like to attend.

Thanks in advance for your participation!

Kiersten, Dave, and David (Program Committee)

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