Hi guys,

while working on HTTP endpoint authorization for Mesos, I found some
interesting behavior: It's the responsibility of the HTTP endpoint handlers
to validate the HTTP request method they've been called with. Many
"read-only" endpoints (e.g. "/flags", "/state") don't do this at the
moment. This means that it's possible to send, for example, an HTTP "POST"
to the "/state" endpoint and get the same results as if it would have been
an HTTP "GET".
While this is currently not a problem, it will complicate things when we
want to authorize endpoint access. The authorization should take the HTTP
request method into account to distinguish between "user wants read access
to the endpoint" and "user wants write access to the endpoint". This makes
it ambitious on how to handle these "read-only" endpoints that also accept
a "POST" request.
The solution to that problem would be to add HTTP request method validation
to every endpoint, i.e. the read-only endpoints would reject any request
method that isn't "GET". I've created MESOS-5346 for that.
Because that would change the existing behavior, that allows to e.g. "POST"
to a "read-only" endpoint, I'd like to know if anybody relies on that
behavior, or if there are any other objections on changing it.


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