
in preparation for Mesos 1.1.0 release we would like to ask people who have
worked on features in 1.1.0 to either:
* update the CHANGELOG and declare the feature implemented or experimental,
make sure documentation is updated as well;
* postpone to 1.2 and update the related epic;
* promote an experimental feature to stable if necessary.

If you think you need to land something in 1.1.0, please mark the
respective JIRA as a blocker and set the target version to 1.1.0. Bear in
mind the release cut will be cut *tomorrow*, Oct 12 2016.

For experimental features, consider creating a separate epic and moving all
unresolved tickets there, while marking the original epic as resolved for
1.1.0. For example, see MESOS-2449 (pods) and MESOS-6355

Below is the list of candidates for the CHAGELOG update with their
respective owners:
MESOS-6014 CNI port-mapping Avinash, Jie
MESOS-2449 Pods, subtopics: nested containers, nested isolators, default
executor Vinod
MESOS-5676 New Mesos CLI Kevin
MESOS-4697 Unified Cgroups isolator Haosdent, Jie
MESOS-6007 v1 API Anand, Vinod
MESOS-3302 - // -
MESOS-4855 - // -
MESOS-4791 - // -
MESOS-4766 Allocator performance BenM
MESOS-4936 Container security Jie
MESOS-4936 Capabilities and container security Benjamin Bannier, Jie
MESOS-3421 Shared resources Yan Xu
MESOS-5344 Partition awareness  Neil

Below is the list of features marked as experimental in 1.0. Are they ready
to be promoted and called out in the CHANGELOG?
MESOS-4312 Power PC Vinod
MESOS-4828 XFS disk isolator Yan Xu
MESOS-4641 Network CNI isolator Qian, Jie
MESOS-3094 Mesos tasks on Windows Joseph
MESOS-4355 Docker volume isolator Guangya, Qian, Jie

This one has never been even called experimental. Joseph, is it time to do
MESOS-898 CMake (never declared even experimental) Joseph

Thanks in advance for cooperation,
Till and AlexR

On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 7:47 PM, Vinod Kone <> wrote:

> I think you need to clean up the JIRA a bit.
> 1) Make sure unresolved tickets do not have fix version (1.1.0) set.
> 2) Move "Fix version 1.1.0" to "Target version 1.1.0".
> 2) might obviate the need for 1).
> On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 7:24 AM, Till Toenshoff <> wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> its us who will be the Release Managers for 1.1.0 - Alex and Till!
>> We are planning to cut the next release (1.1.0) within three workdays -
>> that would be Wednesday next week. So, if you have any patches that need to
>> get into 1.1.0 make sure that either is already in the master branch or the
>> corresponding ticket has a target version set to 1.1.0.
>> The release dashboard:
>> ageId=12329720
>> Alex & Till

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