Hello, All:

I'm working on an independent server, which should be able to talk to the
master&client via  HTTP POST requests.
I setup a Jersey REST server.   My initial plan is to use *JSON/XML* to map
Entities, as this is widely used.

However, I find some communication compatibility issues,
1. I generate the Java classes from the *.proto files.
    I try to create an Event.Offers object via a REST (with *JSON*) call,
but get some data stream deserializing errors.
    I think this is because of the complex structure of the generated
classes. They are not POJO's, e.g. they don't have public constructors.
2. "src/cli/execute.cpp" sets "ContentType" to "*PROTOBUF*".
    I think in most cases, Mesos internally uses "PROTOBUF", not JSON.

So, given the above issues,
Should I implement my server with *ProtocalBuffer*, is this a better
Or should I try to convert PROTOBUF to JSON inside Mesos?

Could anyone kindly give some suggestions? I become confused on this point.

Thanks very much

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