In the interest of gathering some metrics around growing contributors, Jie
shared with me a script that tracks how many commits each committer has
made where they were not the author of the patch. It's not perfect, but
gives a rough sense of how much effort committers are spending on patches
from non-committer contributors:

➜  mesos git:(master) ✗ git log master --pretty=format:"%an,%cn"
--after="2012-1-1" | awk -F "," '{ if ($1 != $2) print $2; }' | sort | uniq
-c | sort
   1 Brenden Matthews
   1 Greg Mann
   2 Guangya Liu
   5 Kevin Klues
   9 Timothy St. Clair
  12 Dave Lester
  28 Neil Conway
  31 Dominic Hamon
  32 Ian Downes
  39 Haosdent Huang
  59 Kapil Arya
  96 Bernd Mathiske
 121 Jiang Yan Xu
 133 Timothy Chen
 134 Anand Mazumdar
 221 Niklas Q. Nielsen
 241 Alexander Rukletsov
 264 Adam B
 261 Till Toenshoff
 317 Joseph Wu
 353 Michael Park
 371 Benjamin Hindman
 474 Joris Van Remoortere
 617 Benjamin Mahler
1017 Vinod Kone
1022 Jie Yu

You can change the date range here if you want to get a more recent
snapshot. Note of course that much like the github commit count metrics,
this doesn't capture the commits from the svn days where we didn't have
correct authorship metadata. :(

I know reviewing code from newer contributors is often hard work and can
sometimes be thankless, but it's really important. So I just wanted to
celebrate and thank all those that have helped to grow the community of
contributors so far!

If others have interesting metrics that would be good to track, please feel
free to share them.


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