This is great to hear. Thanks for your perseverance on making this happen

Btw, do we build Java and Python libraries too now?

Once we land the CMake changes, lets make sure to update
`support/` to make sure it is continuously being tested on
our CI.

On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 11:47 AM, <> wrote:

> Hello Mesos developers,
> I wanted to take the time to announce a (long) patch chain that fixes up
> the CMake build system. There were a lot of open bugs due to the initial
> design (and constraints of CMake 2), and by moving to CMake 3, I was able
> to rewrite the CMake build in a target-based dependency graph manner (the
> way CMake is meant to be used).
> The very end of the chain is here:
> Joseph Wu is currently shepherding it. That final patch includes the what
> and the why explanation of this patch series.
> My main guideline in this effort was MESOS-3576, which pointed out the
> incorrectness of the link flags generated by CMake. This has been resolved,
> and moreover, a significant amount of superfluous CMake code was deleted
> (that final patch was about a 4 to 1 ratio of deletions to adds).
> I took a two-phase approach to this reworking. The first phase imported
> all of our third party dependencies correctly. Instead of linking to these
> dependencies by manually including their various include/library
> directories and compilation/link flags, each dependency was added to the
> CMake graph as an imported target. All necessary information for linking to
> the dependency is recorded in its target, and used is transitively passed
> to targets which take it as dependency by CMake. Adding a new dependency is
> now relatively simple, with many easy-to-replicate patterns available in
> 3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt.
> An important note is that this was also done for header-only libraries,
> including stout. CMake 3 has a notion of "interface libraries" where a
> header-only library can be represented as a CMake target like any other
> library. With this done correctly, linking stout to boost is as simple as
> `target_link_libraries(stout boost)`, and linking libprocess to stout is
> `target_link_libraries(process stout)`, and the boost dependency is
> understood transitively.
> The second phase was refactoring the Mesos build itself (that is, not the
> third party dependencies). With all our dependencies imported properly, I
> was able to delete the files of extraneous information such as
> `MasterConfigure.cmake`, `AgentConfigure.cmake`, etc. This information is
> instead correctly stored in the aforementioned CMake dependency graph.
> With this all put together, the entirety of the required CMake code to
> build the agent executable, on all platforms, is the following _two lines_:
>     add_executable(mesos-agent main.cpp)
>     target_link_libraries(mesos-agent PRIVATE mesos)
> All necessary link and compilation flags are parsed by CMake through the
> dependency graph as it visits libmesos as the mesos-agent dependency.
> I keep an updated tree on GitHub here for easy testing:
> ave/CMakeLists.txt
> As we move closer to deprecating Autotools, I wanted to ensure that the
> replacement build system was as correct and easy-to-use as possible. As
> with any build system (and any software engineering effort), there is
> always more to clean up and improve. However, I am satisfied with the
> result of my efforts, and I hope this build system makes your work as
> developers easier. If you have the time, please take a look at the the
> patches and give it a test. Let me know know I can make it work better for
> you.
> Thank you,
> Andrew Schwartzmeyer

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