> With regards to metrics and measuring of containers, having the Mesos
> agents register with all cgroups that they can expose through
> /monitor/statistics just for executor tracking purposes would be an awesome
> feature to implement.

Mesos now supports all available cgroup subsystems. I recently update the
documentation on this:

Right now, we can get cpu/memory/blkio stats. If you have any other stats
in mind that you think we should expose, let me know!

A pluggable "system metrics" snapshot taker that can be exposed as an extra
> field in the agent's /monitor/statistics (or similar) would be fantastic.

This is an interesting idea! DC/OS has a custom isolator module that does
that (do tagging and expose a statsd endpoint). I would love to see such a
functionality in upstream Mesos.

- Jie

On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 2:29 PM, Charles Allen <
charles.al...@metamarkets.com> wrote:

> Mesos is in kind of an odd state right now because Mesos is well ahead of
> Kubernetes as far as features goes, but Marathon feels behind in many ways,
> especially if looking at GKE (programatic configuration of multiple pods
> and persistent disk transfer come to mind).
> A major pain point we're trying to figure out how to solve for Mesos is how
> to get the logging and system metric monitoring distributed around the
> cluster. For example, every node needs to be able to have its journald logs
> exported somewhere at least for kernel, and figuring out what that
> infrastructure looks like is non-trivial (we export to SumoLogic), and
> figuring out how to run it in a mesos / container friendly way is even less
> trivial. In a similar vein, monitoring things like total cpu usage, total
> network throughput, disk queue depth, and other system level metrics
> requires some sort of measurement agent on all the machines. Figuring out
> how to control that in a container friendly and properly isolated way is
> also non-trivial.
> A pluggable "system metrics" snapshot taker that can be exposed as an extra
> field in the agent's /monitor/statistics (or similar) would be fantastic.
> With regards to metrics and measuring of containers, having the Mesos
> agents register with all cgroups that they can expose through
> /monitor/statistics just for executor tracking purposes would be an awesome
> feature to implement.
> Cheers,
> Charles Allen
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 1:13 PM Benjamin Mahler <bmah...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> > Thanks for sharing this Charles, do you have any feedback (positive or
> > negative) or feature requests for the Mesos project that you want to
> > highlight on the list?
> >
> > On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 6:37 PM, Charles Allen <
> > charles.al...@metamarkets.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Just fyi, a post went live that talks a bit about how we use Mesos at
> > > Metamarkets to run Druid and Spark on the same machines.
> > >
> > > https://metamarkets.com/2017/druid-and-spark-together-
> > > mixing-analytics-workflows/
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > Charles Allen
> > >
> >

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