This is great news.

Congratulations to Charles-François and thank you very much for your contributions to Mesos!

- Renán

On 8/15/21 12:32 PM, Andrei Sekretenko wrote:
Hi all,
Please welcome Charles-François as a committer and PMC member of the
Apache Mesos project!

Charles started contributing to Mesos a bit more than a year ago.
During this time, he has discovered and fixed a significant number of
issues in all corners of Mesos, from libprocess and the build system
to the cgroups isolator, thus becoming the most active contributor
since November 2020.

Also, Charles has been helping a lot with JIRA triage, mentoring other
contributors and moving forward a number of technical discussions.

Charles, thanks for all your contributions so far and looking forward to
continuing to work with you on the project!

- Andrei

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