
On Wed, May 11, 2022, 05:22 Andreas Peters <a...@aventer.biz.invalid> wrote:

> Hi,
> if we run mesos under Linux with cgroupsV2 then the agent through the
> following error message:
> "Failed to create docker: Failed to find a mounted cgroups hierarchy for
> the 'cpu' subsystem;"
> Well, since cgroupsV2 does not mount the subsystems like cpu, memory and
> so on, maybe we should remove these check lines?
> https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/cd71826ab244db1f73e78fafe8a42181758a41e8/src/docker/docker.cpp#L146
> I done it in my test environment and could not found a issue so far.
> Docker in newer versions run very well under cgroupsV2. That's why I'
> thinking, maybe the "precheck" makes no sense in that point.

The problem is that without group v1 many things will break: CPU and memory
limiting, and also the freezer which is used to atomically kill tasks etc.

Ideally we'd add support for cgroup v2 but that's a significant amount of


> What do u think?
> Regards,
> Andreas

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