I hate dealing with Kerberos.  It is a pain to setup, it is a pain to work
with, it has its own learning curve, *but it is absolutely necessary*.  Due
to the sensitive nature of Metron's use case, most of our users should be
using Kerberos as part of a defense-in-depth strategy to protect sensitive

For the upcoming 0.4.0 release, we have all put in a tremendous amount of
work to make integrating Metron into a Kerberized cluster as simple as
possible.  I hated every minute of it, but the end result speaks for
itself.  Really great work, everyone.


I am proposing that as a community we choose to support Kerberos first.  We
should not treat Kerberos as an optional add-on, but as an absolutely
necessary component; no different than Kafka or Storm.

Should we choose to take this approach as a community, I would assume at
least the following by-products.  I am sure there are others, but this is a

   - All PRs should be tested against a Kerberized environment.
   - All docs should be written assuming a Kerberized environment.
   - All development environments should spin-up
   - If a feature does not support Kerberos
   then it should be
   ​ marked​
   experimental and
   ​ not suitable for
   ​ use​


Metron needs to be secure by default.

Production deployments of Metron should use Kerberos, so we should
developing and testing features against the same target.

Dealing with the pains of Kerberos day-to-day will drive us to think of
ways to make it easier to use and less of a pain for our users.

[image: Inline image 1]

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