Ah, I see I mis-read METRON-897, and Nick specifically says 
"lo:ipv4","eth0:ipv4" did not work for him, but ["_lo:ipv4_","_eth0:ipv4_"] did 

So I went back and dug a little deeper, and realized that in the environment 
where "lo:ipv4","eth0:ipv4" worked for me, I had modified the yaml.j2 template 
to include the square brackets.

So the below theory is wrong.  Back to the drawing board.

On 5/1/17, 3:08 PM, "Matt Foley" <ma...@apache.org> wrote:

    Hi, there have been widely varying statements about what needs to be in the 
Elasticsearch config parameter “network_host”.  I think I may have a rationale 
for what works and what doesn’t, but I’d like your input or correction.
    I am focusing on what worked in terms of punctuation (quotes and square 
brackets) with the old _lo:ip4_,_eth0:ip4_.  I would like to ignore for the 
moment, please, whether eth0 was the correct name for a given env, and whether 
we can use  Instead, for systems where eth0 WAS the correct name, I’d 
like to understand what worked and why.
    It’s complicated because the value starts out in xml, is read into python, 
printed by jinja, then consumed by yaml.
    I think there were two constructs that actually worked for this param.  
Please say whether this is consistent or inconsistent with your experience:
    This worked for me.  I think this was read from XML into python as a list 
of strings, then output in jinja ‘print statement‘
    {{ network_host }} as a python literal list with form:
    [ "_lo:ip4_", "_eth0:ip4_" ]   
    In other words, the print statement for a python list object injected the 
needed square brackets.
    "[ _lo:ip4_, _eth0:ip4_ ]"
    Nick and Anand, please confirm if this is the form that worked for you.  I 
think this was read from XML into python as a single string, and output in the 
same jinja print statement as:
    [ _lo:ip4_, _eth0:ip4_ ]   
    because the print statement for a python string object does not produce 
quote marks.
    In either case, yaml (the consumer of the jinja output) saw what it 
interprets as a list of strings (since quotes are optional for yaml strings).
    What didn’t work was:
    *    "_lo:ip4_, _eth0:ip4_"
    This would be read in and output as a single string, and no square brackets 
would ever be introduced.
    *    _lo:ip4_, _eth0:ip4_    or    [ _lo:ip4_, _eth0:ip4_ ]
    (without quotes)  I think the unquoted colons messed up the python parsing
    Finally, I don’t know whether 
    *    [ "_lo:ip4_", "_eth0:ip4_" ]   
    worked or not, I’m not sure anyone ever tried it.  By the above logic it 
probably should work.
    Please give me your input if you have touched on these issues.

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