There’s a couple other places you could put config info (but maybe not saved 
-  Zookeeper
-  metron-alerts-ui/config.xml or config.json  file
-  the Ambari database, whichever it happens to be

Questions that influence the decision include:
1. Should there be one configuration shared among users, or strictly per-user 
config?  Or a combination of shared and personal?
2. What security do you wish to maintain on changing those settings, both 
shared and personal?  What authentication/authorization scheme will you use?  
Is viewer login auth sufficient for this?
3. Will you assume Ambari exists?  Did you consider using Ambari Views as the 
basis? ( )

On 7/26/17, 2:54 PM, "Ryan Merriman" <> wrote:

    In anticipation of METRON-988 being merged into master, there will be a
    need to persist user preferences such as UI layout, saved searches, search
    history, etc.  I think where and how we persist this data should be
    discussed in order to facilitate a design.  This data won't be large in
    scale and may or may not be relational.  The initial features I am aware of
    don't require a relational model but I'm sure there will be some that do in
    the future.  I'm also assuming this code will live in the REST application
    but someone correct me if there is a reason to keep it somewhere else.
    I think it would be preferable to leverage something that is already in our
    stack and available as a dependency.  However I would not be against adding
    something if it really were the right tool for the job.  Assuming others
    agree we should stick with out current stack, I see these options:
       - MySQL (or other relational database)
          - good fit for the size of data
          - relational capabilities
          - an ORM framework will be necessary which will increase our
          dependencies and complexity
       - HBase
          - client setup and code will likely be simpler and less complex
          - limited data model
       - Elasticsearch
          - json is a convenient data model
          - we already store user preferences here (Kibana dashboards)
          - we have abstracted our search engine interactions in several places
          and would have to here too
    Elasticsearch is out for me because we view search engines as pluggable.  I
    think HBase would be the easiest to implement and get working but I'm
    worried we'll have similar use cases that won't be a good fit for HBase.
    In that case we would need to come up with an alternative persistence
    solution anyways.  I think MySQL is a good fit long term but I'm concerned
    about adding a heavy ORM framework.  Also, we can't use Hibernate because
    it is not license friendly.
    Does anyone have any thoughts on these options or other ideas?
    This requirement also brings up another topic that is outside of this
    discussion.  Should we reevaluate our authentication strategy?  Currently
    the REST application uses JDBC for this but if we decide a different
    mechanism is better then we no longer need a relational database.  This
    might affect our decision to use MySQL for this kind of data persistence.

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