Looking at some of the build failure emails and past experience i
would suggest having a node & npm version check in our build scripts
and moving dependency management to yarn.

We need not restrict the build to a specific version of node & npm but
we can surely suggest a min version required to build UI successfully.


On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 10:21 PM, Simon Elliston Ball
<si...@simonellistonball.com> wrote:
> Agreeing with Nick, it seems like the main reason people are building 
> themselves, and hitting all these environmental issues, is that we do not as 
> a project produce binary release artefacts (the rpms which users could just 
> install) and instead leave that for the commercial distributors to do.
> Yarn may help with some of the dependency version issues we’re having, but 
> not afaik with the core missing library headers / build tools / node and npm 
> version issue, those would seem to fit a documentation fix and improvements 
> to platform-info to flag the problems, so this can then be a pre-flight check 
> tool as well as a diagnostic tool.
> Another option I would put on the table is to standardise our build 
> environment, so that the non-java bits are run in a standard docker image or 
> something fo the sort, that way we can take control of all the environmental 
> and OS dependent pieces, much as we do right now with the rpm build sections 
> of the mpack build.
> The challenge here will be adding the relevant maven support. At the moment 
> we’re relying on the maven npm and node build plugins, this would likely need 
> replacing with something custom and a challenge to support to go dow this 
> route.
> Perhaps the real answer here is to push people who are just kicking the tyres 
> towards a binary distribution, or at least rpm artefacts as part of the 
> Apache release to give them a head start for a happy path on a known good OS 
> environment.
> Simon
>> On 24 Nov 2017, at 16:01, Nick Allen <n...@nickallen.org> wrote:
>> Yes, it is a problem.  I think you've identified a couple important things
>> that we could address in parallel.  I see these as challenges we need to
>> solve for the dev community.
>> (1) NPM is causing us some major headaches.  Which version do we require?
>> How do I install that version (on Mac, Windows, Linux)?  Does YARN help
>> here at all?
>> (2) Can we automate the prerequisite checks that we currently do manually
>> with `platform-info.sh`?  An automated check could run and fail as part of
>> the build or deployment process.
>> More importantly though is that users should not have to build Metron at
>> all.  They should not have to worry about installing NPM and the rest of
>> the development tooling.   Here are some options that are not mutually
>> exclusive.
>> (1) Create an image in Atlas that has Metron fully installed.  A new user
>> could run single node Metron on their laptop with a single command and the
>> only prereqs would be Vagrant and Virtualbox.  We could cut new images for
>> each Metron release.  Or selectively cut new dev images from master as we
>> see fit.
>> (2) Distribute the Metron RPMs (and the MPack tarball?) so that users can
>> install Metron on a cluster without having to build it.
>> On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 10:11 AM, Otto Fowler <ottobackwa...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> It seems like it is getting *very* common for people to have trouble
>>> building recently. Errors with NPM and Node seen common, with fixes ranging
>>> from updating c/c++ libs to the version of npm/node.
>>> There has to be a better way to do this.
>>>   -
>>>   Are we out of date or missing requirements in our documentation?
>>>   -
>>>   Does our documentation need to be updated for building?
>>>   -
>>>   Is there a better way in maven to check the versions required for some
>>>   of these things and fail faster with a better message?
>>>   -
>>>   Are we building correctly or are we asking for trouble?
>>> The ability to build metron is pretty important, and it seems that people
>>> are having a lot of trouble related to the new technologies in alerts and
>>> config ui.

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