I'll try to attend :)

On 2017-12-14 12:43, Otto Fowler wrote:
Dev Community Meeting Call

I would like to propose a developer community meeting.

I propose that we set the meeting early next week, and will throw out
Monday, December 18th at 09:30AM PST, 12:30 on the East Coast and 5:30 in
London Towne.

This meeting will be held over a web-ex, the details of which will be
included in the actual meeting notice.

Please reply to this with scheduling concerns and topic suggestions.
Potential Topics

- Call for reviewers, ideas how to get more involvement, what people can
   do to help
- Feature branches : we have two now, what are they and how are we going
   to work on them
- Extension Repository: Default deployment and installation of parsers
   as it relates to ‘777’
   - General ‘777’ discussion

Developer Community Meeting Disclaimers

- Developer Community meetings are a means for realtime discussion of
   development issues
- These meetings are not specifically aimed at demonstrations, unless
   one is required or requested as part of such discussion
- These meetings are geared towards Metron development issues, not user
   issues with deployment or shipped functionality
- There are *NO* decisions made in these meetings. The mailing list is the official communication record of the Apache Metron Project, and as such all public decisions are to be made on the list, as to give the greatest
   opportunity for community involvement.
   - There *ARE* proposals that can be made and discussed in these
   meetings, that will then be discussed on list for decision.
- Notes will be taken of these meetings, and they will be posted to the
- There may also be breakout posts to the list per proposal or topic,
   for more detailed discussion

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