Like any project, Apache Metron needs to maintain and grow it’s contributor
community. We think that we could be doing a better job of this, and would
like to discuss issues and possible improvements. Issues

What are some of the issues that may inhibit people contributing?

   - Barrier of entry (issues getting Metron running in vagrant or local)
   - Documentation : finding current
   - Documentation : content and quality
   - Source Code navigation/documentation/guides
   - Testing guides
   - Use Case Guides
   - Don’t know how they *can* contribute
   - Others that I’m missing?

Remediation Barrier of entry

How can we make the local deployment workflow easier ( other discuss thread
touches on this)?
Documentation : Finding Current

When people look for Metron info, where are they looking? What comes up in
search? - Hortonworks Community forums ( preview release stuff ? ), old
blog posts? - Mailing list archives? - wiki? (not current) - site-book?

How can we reduce the out of data information, and make the relevant
information more prominent?
Documentation : Content and Quality

( this is a little bit of a chicken and egg issue, since documentation is a
wonderful way to contribute…. ) - Up to data architecture documentation -
Non-developer focused ‘feature’ documentation - Developer focused
documentation ( how to add a XXXXXX guides )
Source Code Guides

   - Structure of the code tree
   - What is where, how it is logically setup
   - How to maintain concistancy when working in the code
   - Javadoc

Testing Guides

   - Tests that we have are buried in PR’s
   - No regression tests

Use case guides

   - more how-to guides

Contributing guide

   - right now, have dev env guide
   - review and submit doc changes
   - review PR guide
   - pr testing guide ( better pr testing steps?)

These are things I can think of, anyone have any comment, additions,

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