Hi all,

We have recently faced some data sources that generate data in a nested
format. For example, AWS Cloudtrail generates data in the following JSON


  "Records": [


      "eventVersion": *"2.0"*,

      "userIdentity": {

        "type": *"IAMUser"*,

        "principalId": *"EX_PRINCIPAL_ID"*,

        "arn": *"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Alice"*,

        "accessKeyId": *"EXAMPLE_KEY_ID"*,

        "accountId": *"123456789012"*,

        "userName": *"Alice"*


      "eventTime": *"2014-03-07T21:22:54Z"*,

      "eventSource": *"ec2.amazonaws.com <http://ec2.amazonaws.com>"*,

      "eventName": *"StartInstances"*,

      "awsRegion": *"us-east-2"*,

      "sourceIPAddress": *""*,

      "userAgent": *"ec2-api-tools"*,

      "requestParameters": {

        "instancesSet": {

          "items": [


              "instanceId": *"i-ebeaf9e2"*





      "responseElements": {

        "instancesSet": {

          "items": [


              "instanceId": *"i-ebeaf9e2"*,

              "currentState": {

                "code": 0,

                "name": *"pending"*


              "previousState": {

                "code": 80,

                "name": *"stopped"*









We are able to make this as a flat JSON file. However, a nested object is
supported by data backends in Metron (ES, ORC, etc.), so I was wondering
whether with the current version of Metron we are able to index nested
documents or we have to make it flat?



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