I think that is fine,  we can use that and work out the UX to manage new or
replace.  Maybe we can do Profile Compare down the line?

On February 5, 2018 at 09:28:16, Nick Allen (n...@nickallen.org) wrote:

> If we replay a set of data with a new version of a profile I think it
will always have to be a new profile and not ‘replace’ the old one.
Series1, Seriers2  etc?

As part of this effort (unless there is a compelling reason) I wouldn't
change that behavior.  The profile data is stored based on profile name +
entity + timestamp (I'm glossing over some of the details, but that's
effectively what happens).  If you change the definition of a profile, but
the name does not change, then you would replace the existing profile
data.  If you do not want to replace, then you should change the name of
the profile.

Now is this the best way to store the data?  I am not sure.  It is a
complex discussion all by itself, but is something that I would rather
handle as a separate effort.

On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 5:42 PM, Otto Fowler <ottobackwa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You know, I am going to back this up.
> I usually thing of replay as replay, profiler or not, but that is not true.
> Replay of data through the full pipeline (parsers/enrichement) has more
> consequences or concerns, so we can drop this.
> I don’t want to expand the scope of your idea.  We can reuse/refactor to
> the other case (parser + enrichment) later.
> Sorry.
> ——
> So, about re-writing.
> If we replay a set of data with a new version of a profile I think it will
> always have to be a new profile and not ‘replace’
> the old one.   Series1, Seriers2  etc?
> On February 2, 2018 at 17:24:46, Nick Allen (n...@nickallen.org) wrote:
> I think that is definitely a reasonable extension.
> In this case would we need any additional actions to indicate that data
> will be overwritten?
> I am trying to think of other additional needs that this use case has over
> the others.
> On Feb 2, 2018 12:38 PM, "Otto Fowler" <ottobackwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Scenario 3:
>> As a Security ?  I have modified a profile or parser configuration (
>> replay is replay ), and I want to run the new version
>> against my old data.
>> On February 2, 2018 at 12:19:54, Nick Allen (n...@nickallen.org) wrote:
>> I have been thinking about an enhancement to the Profiler for quite some
>> time. Actually, my first pass at defining this was called "Replay
>> Telemetry through Profiler" back in METRON-594 [1].
>> I'd like to first discuss the use case to make sure we start out on the
>> right foot. Here is how I would define the use cases for this
>> functionality.
>> *> Scenario 1: Model Development*
>> As a Security Data Scientist, I want to understand the historical
>> behaviors
>> and trends of a profile that I have created so that I can understand if it
>> is valuable for model building.
>> There are two possible negative outcomes that the Security Data Scientist
>> must be aware of when creating profiles.
>> - The profile might have been defined incorrectly resulting in a feature
>> set that does not match reality (a bug in the profile definition).
>> - The profile might have been defined correctly, but the feature set
>> itself has no predictive value.
>> Analyzing the profile over archived, historical telemetry allows the
>> Security Data Scientist to better to mitigate both of these negative
>> outcomes.
>> *> Scenario 2: Model Deployment*
>> As a Security Platform Engineer, I want to generate a profile using
>> archived telemetry when I deploy a new model to production so that models
>> depending on that profile can begin to function on day 1.
>> (Q) Do these make sense? Am I missing anything? Too broad or too narrow?
>> Once we nail down the use case(s), I'll delete the old JIRA and create a
>> new JIRA with the use cases. That would give us a place to start on the
>> technical details of the implementation.
>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/METRON-594

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